When Glenn Bean embarks on a routine adventure with his metal detector, he never imagines it will lead to the discovery of an alien spaceship buried beneath the forest floor. What begins as a simple search for relics becomes an extraordinary encounter with Tiala—a mysterious extraterrestrial who has been trapped within the ship for an unimaginable time. As Glenn unravels the ship’s secrets, he forms a deep, unexpected bond with Tiala, a being with human-like qualities but of an entirely different origin.
“Tiala: A Discovery Beyond Earth” is a thrilling exploration of friendship, trust, and the unknown. Glenn’s journey with Tiala takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster, filled with wonder, suspense, and awe as they navigate this alien world together. As they unlock the secrets of the ship, they also uncover profound truths about themselves and the universe around them.
A captivating blend of science fiction and adventure, this novel offers a heartfelt look at humanity, discovery, and the choices we make when faced with the extraordinary. Perfect for readers who enjoy stories of first contact, mystery, and the beauty of the unknown.
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